Centennial Care 2.0 1115 Demonstration Waiver Amendment #2

The Human Services Department (HSD), Medical Assistance Division (MAD), invites comments from the public about changes to the Centennial Care 2.0 program that are being considered as part of an amendment that is proposed to be effective July 1, 2021. Comments will be accepted until 5:00pm MST on Sunday, January 31, 2021. Read below to learn more about the Centennial Care 2.0 waiver amendment.

HSD will hold two public hearings to receive comments via teleconference due to the Public Health Emergency (PHE) regarding the draft amendment to the waiver. Please see below information for the public hearings.

All comments will be reviewed and evaluated to inform additional modifications prior to submission of the final waiver amendment application to CMS.

Public Hearings

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Medicaid Advisory Committee Meeting

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Thursday, January 28, 2021
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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About Centennial Care 2.0

The New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) is proposing improvements to the Centennial Care 2.0 program and is seeking input from stakeholders throughout New Mexico for consideration before submitting a final waiver amendment to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

HSD has released a draft Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver amendment application for Centennial Care 2.0.The draft amendment outlines HSD’s modifications to improve the program. The draft amendment can be reviewed by clicking here. HSD is seeking federal authority to amend the 1115 Centennial Care 2.0 Waiver (Project Number 11W-00285/6) to make the following changes:

  1. Expand the Medicaid program toward a more integrated model of behavioral health care delivery by providing Medicaid reimbursement for extended IMD stays for individuals with Serious Mental Illness/Severe Emotional Disturbance (SMI/SED) in residential and inpatient Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD) settings;
  2. Establish High-Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) as an intensive care coordination approach for children and youth who have high intensity needs;
  3. Establish a Primary Care Graduate Medical Education (GME) expansion funding mechanism designed to develop new and/or expanded GME programs focusing on the specialists of General Psychiatry, Family Medicine, General Pediatrics, and General Internal Medicine; and
  4. Expand coverage of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, to the extent not covered by the federal government during the period of Centennial Care 2.0 demonstration and its administration to individuals who have limited benefit plan coverage including Family Planning Category of Eligibility (COE), Emergency Medical Services for Aliens (EMSA), individuals covered under the COVID-19 uninsured population (FFCRA) and also those receiving only Pregnancy – related services.
  1. Program Description, Goals, and Objectives
    The state’s goals for the Centennial Care 2.0 demonstration include providing the most effective and efficient health care possible for eligible New Mexicans, as well as continuing the healthcare delivery reforms of Centennial Care. Specifically, the state will further the following goals:

The waiver amendment provides the opportunity for the state to continue advancing successful initiatives under the demonstration while continuing to implement new, targeted initiatives to address specific gaps in care and improve healthcare outcomes for Centennial Care members. Key initiatives under the Centennial Care 2.0 program include:

Further simplify administrative complexities and implement refinements in program and benefit design.

As part of the demonstration amendment, the state seeks to strengthen its support to cover New Mexicans through an integrated and comprehensive Medicaid delivery system.

  1. Proposed Health Care Delivery System and Eligibility Requirements, Benefit Coverage, and Cost-Sharing
    1. Delivery System & Eligibility Requirements
      Centennial Care 2.0 provides a comprehensive benefit package to eligible populations through an integrated managed care model that includes a number of innovations. The following are descriptions of the current eligible populations and covered benefits:

    Table 1: Eligibility Groups Covered in Centennial Care

    Newborns, infants, and children

    Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

    Low-income parent(s)/caretaker(s) and families

    Breast and Cervical Cancer

    Transitional Medical Assistance