Noun Phrase

noun phrase example

A noun phrase plays the role of a noun. In a noun phrase, the modifiers can come before or after the noun.

Examples of Noun Phrases

The Function of Noun Phrases

Definition of "Phrase"

A phrase has at least two words and functions as one part of speech.

More Examples of Noun Phrases

Video Lesson

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Why Noun Phrases Are Important

Most native English speakers can form noun phrases without giving the grammar a second thought. So, if the truth be told, understanding how they function isn't particularly useful unless you're required to teach them or to compare them with similar structures in a foreign language you're learning.

That said though, there is a common issue associated with noun phrases.

When a noun phrase is the subject of a verb, ensure subject-verb agreement with the head noun.

Do not be tricked into agreeing the verb with the nearest noun (here, "bullets"). When a noun phrase is the subject of a verb, the head noun governs the verb. Read more about subject-verb agreement.

Key Point

Noun Clauses vs Noun Phrases

Well, no. It's a noun phrase. The text "who wants the presidency so much that he will spend two years organizing and campaigning for it" is functioning as an adjective modifying anybody. In other words, those subjects and verbs feature in an adjective clause. Get it? The bolded text is a noun phrase that contains an adjective clause. That doesn't make it a noun clause.

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.