FPL Corporate Office is located in Florida. FPL’s address and phone numbers are listed below.
FPL Headquarters is located in Florida. The address and phone numbers are listed below.
Florida Power & Light – FPL’s Parent Company is NextEra Energy
4100 Kyoto Gardens Drive Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 USA
FPL Corporate Phone Number: 1-561-694-4000
Fax Number: 1-561-694-4999
Customer Service Number: 1-800-226-3545
FPL’s competitors include Duke Energy, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, Comed, Consolidated Edison, Georgia Power, Dominion Energy, DTE Energy, Xcel Energy, and Consumers Energy.
CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not associated with FPL, Florida Power & Light or NextEra Energy. This website is for information, reviews, feedback, ratings, and complaint purposes only. Information was verified by a live person as of July 2023. Please report any errors to the webmaster.
Florida Power and Light also known as FPL, is located in Palm Beach County Florida. Their current office is in Juno Beach. They are moving in 2023 to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
How do I contact FPL?The easiest way to contact FPL is to call their customer support phone number at 1-800-226-3545
$34,241.64! My 85-year-old mother-in-law in law with dementia thought she was paying all her bills. FPL bills for 3 properties were going to p.o.box that was canceled in 2020. FPL let this go on for 4 years without any notice to disconnect.OnFeb21 2024 they pulled service at all three locations. They are requiring $34,241.64 to be paid in full. We overnighted the funds and told them that her home residence would be turned on that day, other 2 properties would be turned on next week. Her property is not on yet??
Norman Shuff. Son in lawFPL uses Speedpay for paying bills online using your credit card. We are a business customer and have repeatedly been penalized for late or non-payment due to Speedpay’s policy of only allowing “3” payments per credit card per month and only a limited dollar amount to be paid per transaction. The problem is that we have multiple accounts which are always over $1000.00 each. This means that when I go to pay my bills [which I desire to pay in full each month; but am prohibited from doing so by Speedpay], I have reached my “LIMITS” after paying just one, or a portion of just one of my accounts. I have spoken with FPL customer service representatives about this many times and all they tell me is that their bill payments are serviced by a third party and there is nothing they can do. They did have my “allowed” dollar amount increased, however, this still does not cover the amount of payments I must make using my company credit card. Of course, they always say I can pay via EBT if I give them my checking account information. The problem with this is that our parent company is out of State, and our finance department requires us to pay all of our bills using our company credit cards. I have repeatedly explained to them that I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE COMPANY CHECKING ACCOUNT, but all they say is “Well I’m sorry then there is nothing we can do”. Really. Surely large a company like FPL can request or instruct their third-party vendor to update their bill pay policies to accommodate their customers; especially when this customer wishes to pay the invoices IN FULL each month but is NOT ALLOWED TO PAY IN FULL EACH MONTH. Instead, I am frequently penalized first for paying with my company card by being charged a convenience fee two, sometimes three times per account. I am also penalized with late fees from FPL because my bills CAN’T be paid on time or in full because of the way their system is set up! Come ON people! Something has got to be done!