Esure - Never Again

I am having a huge problem with ESURE! Last year 2005/2006 our home and contents insurance were with them and we paid via Direct Debit - when this policy expired we took out a policy with a different company as ESURE would not price match, I advised them I would not be having our policy with them.
I have now received letters from them stating that my payments via Direct Debit have not been paid (for a policy I DONT have), and now them have sent the so called outstanding 'debt' to a debt collection agency who are threatening to take me to Court!
Esure and the debt collection agency will not listen, I have never renewed this policy with them and at no time did they have authority to try and obtain money from my Bank account.
As I had paid by direct debit the previous year they state that they could continue taking money for the following years policy! The fools will not take on board that I havent got a policy with them and have been insured with another company!
I have sent them numerous letters but they just send back with I owe them money, Esure even stated in one letter if I had sold the car just to ring and let them know - The insurance referred to home and contents insurance!
Esure have at no time advised me that they were sending the 'debt' to a collection agency.
Debt collection agency have advised that I should just pay them the money and try and sort it out later with Esure - Hell will freeze over first!

Be aware that even though you advise Esure that you are not taking a renewal insurance with them they will not take no for an answer!

Has anyone else had any problems like this?


mattymoo Posts: 2,417 Forumite

Have you escalated the claim with them to the highest level. It should tell you how to do this in your policy book (from last year). If you did not keep this, you may be able to download a copy of the full wording on their site.

Follow the instructions with a view to taking the claim to the Financial Services Ombudsman. This will result in your problem being passed to someone with a brain and not a call centre script monkey.

Also get hold of your credit records from Experian / Equifax to see what damage has been done.