CEA Homeowners Policy Coverages & Deductibles

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You might be surprised to discover how flexible and budget-friendly earthquake insurance can be. CEA offers a variety of coverage choices and deductible options for your house.

CEA is not-for-profit. Our insurance rates are based on the best available science and research, not profit.

CEA’s rates are based on science, not profit. We use the best available science and research to set competitive earthquake insurance rates.

Use the CEA premium calculator to get an insurance cost estimate. Then, contact your residential insurer, who will help you purchase your policy.

Coverage options for homeowners*

Our earthquake insurance for homeowners allows you to choose between two policies: purchase all of your coverages together under one deductible, or choose to have separate deductibles for your dwelling and personal property. With many coverage limits and deductibles to choose from, you’ll find a policy to fit your needs and budget.

Same as your homeowners insurance policy

Deductible options are 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of your Dwelling (Home) coverage. For new policies written on or after August 1, 2023 and renewals on or after November 1, 2023, homes with a Coverage A dwelling limit greater than $1,000,000, or dwellings built before 1980 on a raised or other type foundation that do not have a verified retrofit, are only eligible for a 15%, 20% or 25% deductible.

Available in limits of $5,000 or $25,000.

Included under your Dwelling deductible—no Personal Property losses can be paid unless Dwelling loss exceeds the policy’s deductible.

The Homeowners Choice policy offers Personal Property coverage deductibles of 5%-25%. For new policies written on or after August 1, 2023 and renewals on or after November 1, 2023, homes with a Coverage A dwelling limit greater than $1,000,000, or dwellings built before 1980 on a raised or other type foundation that do not have a verified retrofit, are only eligible for a 15%, 20% or 25% deductible.

This deductible is separate from the dwelling deductible, which may allow you to receive a personal property claim payment even if you don’t meet the dwelling deductible. And, if the dwelling deductible is met, the personal property deductible is waived.

Homeowners Choice claim-payment example: