The special, classroom-ready series pages are organized collections of tutorials for our most popular hardware and/or languages. The tutorials for each topic are conveniently accessible from a single page, shown in the order it is recommended that they be completed.

Robotics Series

Electronics & Programming Series

Browse Tutorials

Individual tutorials sorted by robot or kit, and language.

By Robot or Kit

By Language

BASIC Stamp Tutorials

Resources for the BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller including the Stamps in Class series.

Parallax WX Wi-Fi Module for the BS2

Pair your Parallax Wi-Fi Module with a BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller! This tutorial series will introduce the basics of web interface-to-microcontroller programming using PBASIC, HTML, and Javascript plus a variety of sensors.

PID Control

What are control systems and how can they be used with the BASIC Stamp 2? Check out this in-depth tutorial to find out!

What's A Microcontroller?

Get started with basic circuits and programming! What's a Microcontroller? is a fun and engaging introductory text for the BASIC Stamp microcontroller and Board of Education, or BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board.

Robotics with the Boe-Bot

Build your own robot, wire it up with sensors, and let it roam on its own. Robotics with the Boe-Bot includes step-by-step assembly instructions, circuit-building, and programming for the BASIC Stamp-based Boe-Bot Robot.