Kingston college enrolment form

1. Submit an Initial Enrolment Enquiry

We welcome and encourage general enquiries from families regarding enrolments throughout the year. Groves Christian College is a learning community made up of supportive families, seeking quality schooling within the Christian faith tradition. Families that are willing to commit to sharing in the College community as described below should initiate an enrolment enquiry within the College. These commitments are:

Educationally, allowing their student to participate fully in the life of the College, encouraging appropriate behaviours consistent with College expectations and being an active partner in the education of their children.

Faithfully, supporting at all times the Christian faith basis as well as the vision, mission, ethos and values of the College, including as are set out in the CCM Statement of Faith .

Financially, ensuring the timely payment of fees and charges.

Relationally, speaking with staff members, students and other community members with sensitivity and respect, and complying with published processes to raise concerns.

Respectfully, honouring the College leadership and their decisions.

Socially, helping build up the College community for the benefit of students as well as speaking positively and assisting occasionally as time permits (this could include, where requested, helping on a regular basis as a volunteer).

For students, engagement expectations (which increase with age) include:

Contributing positively to the life of the College, which includes the welfare of others. Participating fully in College activities.

Personally, observing compliance with the College policies, rules and procedures, exercising appropriate self-discipline and following the established College and classroom rules, and behaving in a way that does not bring dishonour to the name of Christ, or disgrace to the College.

Relationally, speaking with staff members, students and other community members with sensitivity and respect, and complying with published processes to raise concerns.

Respectfully, honouring the College leadership and their decisions. Striving to achieve their personal best.

We invite families to complete the Online Enquiry Form or alternatively visit our College reception in-person to complete an enquiry in person.